nice message.
nice message.
ok, ok, that sucked bad....
that was the most pointless and gayest thing ever, that probally took 5 minutes to make, so why bother putting it on newgrounds?? you are probally the most demented fag on earth next to webspy121. THE MUSIC MADE MY EARS BLEED!!!
i understand this was your first flash
the other prejudice bastards that rate movies might not read about it first, thats why my only submission probbaly got bad reviews, but i can understand that this was your first attempt at flash, and for such a nice job as a newb, i give you a ten. and i saw that you wrote about not having sound at your university, i won't criticize you for that. it was much better than my first flash movie!
i wish i could give style an eleven
I seen this flash about 50 times and I will never get bored of it, its pure kick ass flash!
This is the coolist flash i've ever seen! I saw the 1st one and it was hilarious, this is even better, keep up the good work!
silly wigga'.... Triggas' r4 niggas'
Age 35, Male
The Streets Bitch !!!!1
My Cabin in hell
Joined on 3/19/03